English for Specific Purposes: specialised courses and themed seminars

Language training >  Training options >  English for Specific Purposes: specialised courses and themed seminars

English for Specific Purposes: specialised courses and themed seminars

Specialised courses concentrate on a specific subject area and specialized language knowledge such as presentation and negotiation skills, customer service on the telephone, written communication or culture and customs. Specialised courses are intensive 1-2 day courses. We tailor the content and delivery according to our clients' requirements. Feel free to ask about other courses or tell us your own requirements.

Here are some examples of specialized courses which can be held in other languages in addition to English and Swedish.


  • Powerful Presentations
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Telephone English
  • Written Business Communication
  • Customer Service
  • Effective Meetings
  • Effective Video- and Telemeetings


  • Presentationer på svenska
  • Möten och förhandlingar
  • Telefonsvenska
  • Affärssvenska

Courses for Specific Fields

We organise specialised courses for specific business sectors, including the following:

  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Logistics
  • Marketing
  • Health care

Please contact us for more information:
tel. 040 35 06 740
e-mail:  optimi@optimitraining.fi

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