One-to-one and pair tutoring

Language training >  Training options >  One-to-one and pair tutoring

One-to-one tutoring

One-to-one tutoring is totally tailored to the student's wishes and needs. The delivery of the course and its timetable are flexible. As the trainer is able to concentrate fully on the individual student's needs, this form of training is extremely effective and productive.

One-to-one lessons suit those students who want to maximize their investment in developing their skills and attaining their own goals. Language skills are developed by concentrating on the subject areas most relevant to the student. These could include e.g. presentation or negotiation skills. 


Pair tutoring

Pair tutoring is productive study together with a colleague. This option is well-suited for two students who have a similar skill level and similar study goals. This means the course can be totally focused on the specific vocabulary and language of you and your colleague's work. Pair courses combine the best of different course types: the interaction of group training with the intensity of a small group.